Tuesday, April 29, 2014

Broken Boards

"Master, when will I learn to break boards?"
"Why, what did boards do to you"

I've wanted more out of life.  Sure I'm doing OK yet there's always more to be had, places to see, people to meet and books to be read.

Right now I can say I'm happy with what I have. A loving pet, a home, work that i really really enjoy and feel what I do makes a difference. Caring friends and a  family.

I don't NEED to "break boards" or learn how to.

Do you?

Monday, April 28, 2014

Move On Move Up

I'll admit that I had a date that did NOT go well. No need for details.  In my past I'd dwell on what went wrong, why this is not the right guy, etc.  Now I use affirming thoughts. That's a tool we all can use.
I will meet someone I like and likes me back for me. I know that someone will appreciate all I have and I'll adore his quirks.

I'm moving on and moving UP. Knowing where I've been only shows a trail. Knowing I have a great future is proper planning.  Let's Move on and Move Up together

Thursday, April 24, 2014

Best of Our Lives

I've stopped looking at the not good events and parts of my life. Sure they exist while they're not worth sharing, at least in public. It's how I stay POSITIVE and affirming.

I'm liking this as a mantra, how about making it yours too

Saturday, April 19, 2014

Life Stone

I'm writing my Easter blog message the evening before since I'll be at the Sunshine Cathedral by 7am.  The message of Easter is to me, about love. Loving ourselves, our neighbor and others.

Risen is not a special man but a message of hope that many people, the ruling classes at one time tried to stymie or kill. Much like what those in Uganda are doing today.

Roll away our past hates, rise today with love acceptance and caring.

That's my Easter goal.

Friday, April 18, 2014

It is about Love

Thursday night, or Maundy Thursday Christians mark this as "the night" it all started. On the third day of Passover a new commandment was pronounced "Love one another"

I don't need a religion to tell me that or ordain it. I prefer to live it.
Loving your self as a start helps.  Loving your home, your family, those at work in the area you live or where you come from.

Offer hope, offer care, offer a help.  Donate and know it's ok to ask so someone else's way of loving can help you.

Thursday, April 17, 2014


With all of our social media, iPhones, iPods, etc and yes even blogs some times its comforting to just go back to the basics. Write a letter and send it via post.
Spend more than a text worth of conversation with a friend

Thursday, April 10, 2014


It's true - You are braver than you believe
               Stronger than you seem
               Smarter than you think and
               Loved more than  you know

Wednesday, April 9, 2014


Sing, sing a song. Make is simple to last your whole life long.
Don't worry if it's not good enough for anyone else to hear
Just sing, sing a song.

Remember that ditty? I think about it often and find myself humming the easy tune when signing out loud isn't proper.

Signing helps keep the mind strong, calms a busy mind and hey, it's fun.

Let's all sign something YOU like and let's enjoy a happy melody

Monday, April 7, 2014

Sunday, April 6, 2014

Sweet Dreams

I heard "Dream A Little Dream of Me" at church today and wow, what I dreamt of.

I know I have dreams of hope, love, acceptance and a deeper faith.
Dreams often are reflections of our own life - it's how I feel after I dream that brings changes or helps me see what they mean.

In Theodore Thiesel's (aka Dr Seuss) "And to Think I Saw it on Mulberry Street" a young man daydreams of wild events  seen outside his window.  No harm in that- we was "Dreaming a little dream of me"

And that is a story that no one can beat
And to think that I saw it on Mulberry Street 

Go ahead and dream. Dream big and live the dreams you have for yourself.

I really like how Ella sings it

Wednesday, April 2, 2014


There's been more than a few things on my mind and with my home. The passing of people I knew, major life changes in the partnership of two remarkable people, my  home and school.

I could fret over all these and though sometimes "overwhelming" seems the right word, respect and refresh fit more my style.

I pray for peace now and always.  Prayer in the terms of asking all that's divine in our universe and life.  Peace for those who have moved on. Peace to all changes. Peace in mind spirit and body

Peace be with you and me. Say it with me "May Peace Prevail on earth and all who inhabit it"

Simply PEACE

Tuesday, April 1, 2014

Sending Love

This is something that costs nothing yet to get it and give it out is PRICELESS.

Can you join me on this quest?