Thursday, November 28, 2019

That Simple: Say Thanks

Two words way underused are "Thank you."    They are a way to express appreciation and a way to build up someone for doing or being something good. 

When I say say 'thank you" to someone my endorphins rise as theirs does

Thank you  for reading my simple affirmations

gracias, danke dir, Je vous remercie, Спасибо, شكرا, آپ کا شکریہ

Thursday, November 7, 2019

Toxic People

The day I learned how to be happy was when I stopped engaging with toxic people

A  local person does his/her best to cause consternation.   Those around this person often engage in the shenanigans.  I remind them to ignore this person and not engage conversation.  Those who have done this feel at ease.  

Yes it can be hard to implement but once done; freedom blossoms