Sunday, January 27, 2019

You, You, Your’s

Recently I sat in a seminar "What's your brand?" and it made me think: me-Robert H is a person with many strengths, beliefs, actions, knowledge, backstory and experiences.  Am I a product with a BRAND?   I looked up the word and found mostly business responses.  Yet one left me pondering.
On I read   

I like to think of the definition of Brand simply as “a promise”.  

All good and well but can I have a brand to identify ME?  I say YES.  My brand is Writer with honesty and thoughtfulness   Of course there is more to me like brother, son, queer, faith oriented and outgoing. 

Another way to look at a persons brand is their story, YOUR STORY.

One way to look at a persons brand, YOUR brand is to ask "what is it that makes you, you? What is your story"

Think about it and please comment in the box on this blog

Friday, January 25, 2019

Fit in or?

We grow up believing that in order to be happy, we need to belong somewhere – a society, a country, a social circle and finally, a family.. Yes that's a broad statement and one I don't often make.  For me it's partly true.  For me here's the hard part. The youngest of five children, I am the tallest and the only gay one.  Until my family aged I was the only one with a life challenging condition :HIV.

Leaving the cocoon of a close family to live in Southern Florida eight years ago set me farther apart.  I felt a NEED to seek out others like me: a man of faith queer and such.

Here I am on a Thursday evening, television off and alone and I'm OK with that. 

Happy with my sence of self is where I belong at this moment.

Where do you fit in in all of your challenges and changes?