Tuesday, December 31, 2013

New Year

Taken from "As Bill Sees It"

"A new year: 12 months, 52 weeks, 365 days, 8,760 hours, 525,600 minutes - all a time to consider directions, goals and actions. I must make plans to live a normal life (I resolve to) but I must also live emotionally within a twenty-four hour frame."  

I don't have to make a New Year's resolution - I can resolve each day to live with honesty, love openly, err regularly then grow from that.

I'll share a cup of kindness yet to days of new lang syne

Monday, December 30, 2013

Next Chapter

"Should old acquaintance be forgot..."  Before we start signing that let's think about what we don't want to forget what we should and what to remember or carry into a new year.

Let's forget or regrets, our errors our lack of affirming thoughts.
Let's remember our good comments, the things and people who helped us live more fully
Let's carry into a new year those UP moments and build on them.

In a few days many people will make resolutions. I'll talk about that later but for NOW let's talk about our own promises. To live with hope, joy and care for all.

Let's make our NEXT chapter our new BEST chapter of life

Friday, December 27, 2013


Some things are worth forgetting, some worth remembering. Your worth is worth remembering.

Think of all that YOU'VE been through, how far you've come and know your journey like mine is always moving. It's amazing right? Remember that

Tuesday, December 24, 2013

Short List

Christmas or this overall season is about what matters. Ideally we'd all be kind, caring and sharing everyday. This year as has been what my past few years have been I hold family both of choice and blood to be near and dear.

This is my Short List "To continue to affirm all that's good always"

Monday, December 23, 2013

Love Is...

No doubt you've seen that tiny cartoon called "Love is" Well this ain't it!

Love isn't about two too cute little people and quaint sayings. Sure they're cute yet static

Love is a verb (re: action word) and not static.

We gotta act love to have love. Be caring by showing. Yes of course those small things like the cartoon offers while still being the big thing.

It sure is nice to say and hear "I love you" Goodness knows I say it often.  It's also in the showing of the act of caring, respect, honor, accepting that love happens

Let's make Love Happen

Thursday, December 19, 2013


In any project the important factor is your belief. Without belief, there can be no successful outcome.

I know I believe in YOU

Thursday, December 12, 2013

This is about YOU

Eleanor Rooselvelt  said it best "

“Do one thing every day that scares you.”

Try it and you may be surprised at just what you CAN do.  I believe you can.

Perhaps it's our beliefs in our past that keep us (me) from doing what scares us. 

Know that I believe you can

Wednesday, December 11, 2013

No Mistakes? RIGHT!!!

We all make mistakes, Goodness knows I've had my share and I won't share them here or do my best to repeat them.

There were some doozies  though!!  What I have learned is that by making a mistake I have learned from it/them and wont let them rule my future

Let's let our past be our past and leave it there.

Wednesday, December 4, 2013

Wrap Your Arms

Hug, Abrazom, étreinte, объятие,umarmung,mangapit

Call them what you will hugs are healing. The contact of intimacy without expectation can be comforting. Even dogs and other primates do it.

Feeling down? A hug from someone induces an "ahh" response

Go ahead offer a hug today. How about a couple of them?


Help Understanding Growing Support

Wednesday, November 27, 2013

Hows that smile?

How many times have you heard "Give someone your smile, they're free"?

Well they are and often just what some one needs.

Go ahead and smile & I'll give you some back

Thursday, November 21, 2013


We all get it Stress. It's not KEEPING it that makes the difference.
When stressful things or events come our way let's not hold onto them. Odds are we can't change the WHAT that caused it but we can let go.

Breath- simple words and an exercise yet often overlooked. Breath deep, use that diaphragm and hold your breath then let it go, exhaling all that stress.

Or simply be like Alfred E. Newman  and say "What, me worry?"

Wednesday, November 13, 2013


This may sound like it's about me and not keeping with the theme "It's not all about me" yet here it is

I do something each year to help others and I could use help from you guys
Riding my bicycle 170 miles from Miami Florida to Key West in the Smart Ride

It provides money for seven agencies to get care for people with HIV/AIDS

Please donate what you can and I'll write each donors name on a plaque attached to my bike so you'll ride with me


When we (I) give of my time or money I feel a sence of accomplishing something.

I can assure you that the SMART Ride does just that.

Hows this for an example: one of the seven beneficiaries was able to hire someone who works tirelesly getting people good care. That would NOT have happened without donations to the SMART ride

Let's be altruistic together and give

Sunday, November 10, 2013


If you missed reading this blog for seven days as much as I missed writing it, well I was on  a cruise in the Caribbean. Met a lot of people but more had a good good  time.

Sure I'll review the experience elsewhere but for now just the word JOY comes to mind.

Zip Lining in Honduras and Swimming with sting rays were two challenges.

Doing them and just being on a huge boat in a massive sea brought total joy.

Coming home, Rubio my pup just jumped for joy when he saw me.

From major things to small things, joy is something we all can use and share

What brings you joy? Have you shared that with others?

Let's make joy our goal together

Saturday, November 2, 2013

All You Can

John Wesley said

“Do all the good you can. By all the means you can. In all the ways you can. In all the places you can. At all the times you can. To all the people you can. As long as ever you can.”


I know I try to do that but I never beat myself up when I forget.

Why be so altruistic?  We learn that by giving goodness goodness comes back to us.

Much like this blog, it's all about YOU and the good you are

Wednesday, October 30, 2013

Time to Change

In a few days many of us in the USA change our clocks. That daylight savings time is back so we "Fall Back" and turn that hour hand from 2am to 1am.

What a good time to change our thinking too.  I do hope we don't "Fall Back" on things we don't like but Spring Ahead in our thoughts & actions.

Lets call some one we haven't spoken with in a while. Let's see how wonderful life really is.
You may not know this but a week ago I broke a rib and bruised my shoulder and it smarts
I'm taking care of both but not letting the pain create a 'pity me day'  In the past I may have but I've changed MY thinking to what a joy it is to be alive

When you read this blog and make a comment or even share this affirming message its another way to Change Time.


Monday, October 28, 2013

I Choose Happiness

Much like a much earlier blog called "Freshly Squeezed"  and in line with 90% of my words I try to instill YOU are in charge of your happiness

Almost 6 days ago I suffered yet another bicycle crash. Hit something in the road and went sideways on the pavement. Turns out there are two brakes in rib #9 on my right side, major bruising on my right shoulder and some serious "road rash" marks on my right elbow and knee.

Odds are I won't ride all 170 miles in the upcoming SMART Ride but I WILL try. Bicycling makes me happy.

Gratefully friends got me to doctors, meetings work and school. One job that requires a lot of standing let me have time off.

I choose happiness.

No one THING or event that could take away my own freedom, education or support along with doing something I enjoy will stop me or my spirit from happiness.

Let's look at our inner self for that strength of what keeps us happy and live it together

You are in charge of how YOU feel and to today choose happiness

Thursday, October 24, 2013

Get Happy

What's more uplifting than a song?  A simple one with a simple tune that's easy to remember and just about anyone can sing along brings happiness.

"Come on world there's a song that we're signing, 
Come on get happy
A whole lot of love is what we'll be bringing
We'll make you happy

"We got a dream to we go traveling together
We spread a little loving and we'll keep moving on
Something always happens whenever we're together
We get a happy feeling when we're signing a song"

I do my best to start each day with a little song, sometimes singing to my puppy

When I do automatically what ever is on my mind seems simple and easy to work through

Even Rogers and Hammerstein told us via the King and I

"When ever I feel afraid I whistle a happy tune..."

How about you and I sing a good song Don't worry if your not good enough for anyone else to hear, 
Just sign, sign a song

Wednesday, October 16, 2013

Believe It Or Not

Years and I mean YEARS ago a TV show "The Greatest American Hero" had a theme song with these words

"Look at what's happened to me, I can't believe it myself
Suddenly I'm on top of the world, should have been somebody else.

"Believe it or not I'm walking on air
I never thought  I could be so free...

"Believe it not it's just me"

Ever feel like that when a good thing happens or comes along? It's easy to dismiss it "Should have been somebody else"

Well, good things do come our way and more often when we plan them, hope for them and act on them

In 1994 I was told I'd have "at most" five years to live"  Now, in 2013 I'm pursuing a masters degree, work with some wonderful people and share an affirming blog message

Believe it or not it is YOU too who can feel so free. 

Tuesday, October 15, 2013


Sometimes you just have to look back at your past and smile about how far you've come. 

Its wise not  to dwell there too.  We still have a present to live and a future to prepare for

Friday, October 11, 2013

Out Out Damn Spot

October 11 is National Coming Out day in the USA.

Since I'm no Shakespeare I'll let the bard say the entire qoute

 35    Out, damned spot! out, I say!—One: two: why, 
 36    then, 'tis time to do't.—Hell is murky!—Fie, my 
 37    lord, fie! a soldier, and afeard?

Yes gentile reader, I am gay. I'm also  human with love, joy and happiness to share

Thankfully I've had a wonderful family who've never let my being gay keep us apart

Here's to all who can't come out - who fear losing jobs or love by being authentic

Wednesday, October 9, 2013

It is You

You are beautiful today and every day.  Sure we all have some flaw & failures but who doesn't?

It's our joys and loves we celebrate and the YOU too

Tuesday, October 8, 2013

It's OK

Feeling down or not the usual chipper person you are? We've all been there.

Plans go amiss, items break, dinner burns.

It's O.K. to feel that way and then remember to go beyond that and find the good.

Dwelling on the NOT's never helps anyone. Living the Do's does

Feel disappointment long enough to learn from it and restart the living

Trust me, it works

Wednesday, October 2, 2013


It's all around us, the beauty of YOU, of each other

We are the awesomeness around us

Feel it, share it, live it

Monday, September 30, 2013


You don't need to be a lion or visit a wizard in Oz to find courage, it's gained from the WHO you are already

Courage is a personal statement of care, for yourself or others

Courage to start something new, to move away from our comfort zone, to talk to someone you don't know or even create a semi daily affirming blog.

As Winston Churchill once said, "Success is not final, Failure is not fatal. It is the courage to continue that counts."

Friday, September 27, 2013

Make it so

The Fall season can bring on changes. From weather to relationships, fashion to food.

What changes are you up for? Realize them Embrace them and make them happen

No need to wait for a sign but if you are here it is

Wednesday, September 25, 2013

I Didn't Fail

There's times when I have not succeded at things I've tried; starting  a new buisness, a relationship, etc.
That does NOT mean I've failed.

It's those non failures or mistakes that have halped me grow, learn and move on.

Let's see our non acheivement's as time of learning and growth and move on


Saturday, September 14, 2013

Hold The Pen

The Five Man Electrical Band had a song "Signs, signs everywhere a sign"
One line that stands out most to me in that song is "Brother don't do that can't you read the sign?"

There's time when signs help us keep order like STOP signs and such though the meaning of the song isn't about safe order but keeping control.

Let's live our own life, create our own path and not follow signs of politicians, religious folk, neighbors and such. When I live how I see the sign of a future with hope, peace & prosperity I follow that

That's the story of MY life; Yours too?

Monday, September 2, 2013

Make it so

Captain Picard's words as he sends the Enterprise off to another adventure are "Make it so"

I try to live life that way. I see an adventure, a new task, a challenge and I say "Make it so"

Moving from a big city in the North to a smaller one in Florida took some gumption and when I finally said "Make it so" it happened.   Restarting my graduate school work will be a major accomplishment but we all can "Make it so"

What is your adventure? I hope it's not YOU holding you back

Got a dream? Make it so

Thursday, August 29, 2013

Open Gate/Open Mind

Summer is winding down and there are often new responsibilities with the Fall season

Some maybe school, some work, some house chores

Regardless lets all keep that summer outlook that my new pup does every day

Thursday, August 22, 2013


When I find my self living authentically the honesty shows.

No need to talk about it just do it

Monday, August 19, 2013

Share it often

In daylights, in sunsets, in midnights
In cups of coffee
In inches, in miles, in laughter, in strife

 - Lets live our lives a  moment at a time
   Embrace each minute, each cup of coffee, each smile along the way

When we embrace joy we share joy - Durrell Watkins

Monday, August 12, 2013

How I react

Life is 10% what happens to me and 90% of how I react to it 

                                –John Maxwell

Thursday, August 8, 2013


I'll admit to not posting my usual affirming message for a few days

Since Sunday I've gotten news of two suicides, four deaths and other life threatening events

Each one tears me up inside and I've reached out to my "Trusted means of support" I.E. friends and family

I felt NOT OK and that's healthy since it shows me I still have empathy and feelings.

Having been near death myself I really feel the loss when someone I know or someones family, friend and even pet passes

It's OK to not be OK and know this too shall pass.

Let's allow ourselves  the UN OK times and be open about them then celebrate those OK times too

Tuesday, July 30, 2013

You Sure Can

We all have within us the power to do whatever it is that we want to do. 
 The challenge for most of us is figuring out what exactly that is.

Wednesday, July 24, 2013


Enlightenment waits for you. Enlightenment needs no patience, for it recognizes that it is yours, and never without you. Enlightenment rests in the palm of forgiveness. Your deepest, darkest, most grave of enemies may find its outstretched hand. Only then will you remember enlightenment

  -Oliver Haughton 

Monday, July 22, 2013

Love in any language

Sandi Patti wrote a touching song "Love in Any Language" showing that so many people and cultures share one common feeling.

No matter what language YOU speak feeling and sharing love builds a persons spirit and hope

Je t'aime
Te amo
Ya ti-bya lyu blyu
Ani o hevet oth kha
I love you

The sounds are all as different
As the lands from which they came
And though our words are all unique
Our hearts are still the same

Love in any language
Straight from the heart
Pulls us all together
Never apart
And once we learn to speak it
All the world will hear
Love in any language
Fluently spoken here

We teach the young our differences
Yet look how we're the same
We love to laugh, to dream our dreams
We know the sting of pain

From Leningrad to Lexington
The farmer loves his land
And daddies all get misty-eyed
To give their daughter's hand

Oh maybe when we realize
Just how much there is to share
We'll find too much in common
To pretend it isn't there

Friday, July 19, 2013

The Best Way

The only way to have a friend is to be one

Wednesday, July 17, 2013

You Mean Everything

What you wear, drive or where you live means nothing to me! Your thoughts & actions however mean everything.

Thursday, July 11, 2013


So many things to celebrate, today...let's start by celebrating you!

                 - Kylon Hooks 

Sunday, July 7, 2013


First I HAVE to apologize for not sending out my "every other" day affirming message.

Metropolitan Community Church had it's Global Conference I was on the worship team. My role was to ensure all ushers, greeters, servers, etc. where trained and in place for two services each day.

Did you know that about me? I am a Gay man, a Christian person in addition to a blogger.
I say this to be authentic or honest with you and everyone

I do my best in all I do to share who I am and what I do. It's being honest or AUTHENTIC.

When I was Boy Scout I'd say with the others, "I am

  • Trustworthy,
  • Loyal,
  • Helpful,
  • Friendly,
  • Courteous,
  • Kind,
  • Obedient,
  • Cheerful,
  • Thrifty,
  • Brave,
  • Clean,
  • and Reverent.

    Each day I do MY BEST to live by that  law and be authentic in all I do whether it be at my employment or sharing here

    You too can be authentic, be real, Be You

    Tuesday, June 25, 2013

    Good News - Bad News?

    So much is happening all around us and I don't mean world changing events but the 'real' things that come in to each life and can look like mountains.  Some things look so big I feel like I'm the only one going through this.

    Truth is, someone else has been there too.  YOU'RE NEVER really alone or need to be

    Open up, share and ask for help: offer yours when you can
    You may find some one who knows

    Saturday, June 22, 2013


    There's a few words not often used in the English language
    "Please" and "Thank You" are three

    One more a simple HELLO to a total stranger may just break the invisible barrier so many of us walk around with. I can get tied into my iPod or  phone so when someone says to me and out of the blue "Hello" I  rejoice

    Try it, Say HELLO to someone at the gym, walking along the street, the attendant at the car park

    Trust me, you'll find a hello back at ya to warm the heart

    Monday, June 17, 2013

    Love Me

    Am I loved? Sure and I love other people. I also love, really LOVE myself. Full of flaws, aware of mistakes while knowing my abilities, adventures, knowledge and joy of life I can truly say I LOVE ME

    Sure we all have our "woe is me" days but when we look in the mirror its wise to say "I LOVE ME'

    Try it: and make it true

    Friday, June 14, 2013

    Keep It Good

    If you keep saying things are going to be bad, you have a good chance of being a prophet.
                  --Isaac B. Singer

    This goes back to "you are the thinker who thinks the  thoughts that makes the thing"

    I KNOW when I think not good things, not good images and sometimes actions follow

    I also KNOW when I/we think in affirming 'good' ways  I/we imagine good things.

    Lets lift or sights, our spirits and our hopes to live and THINK what good can be

    Wednesday, June 12, 2013

    My Dreams

    I know I quoted him before but these lyrics speak of my life and some of my friends

    "Regrets, I've had few and then again too few to mention...
    In the end I did it my way"  - Frank Sinatra

    Much like Frank I've regretted a few things but I've really been focusing on what's good, affirming and loving.

    Can you join me in "dropping the drama" and care more, love more, embrace what is and not what was?

    Dream with me that we all "do it your way"

    Monday, June 10, 2013

    Your Life: Your Choice

     When you choose happiness, then you attract all the happy things as well.

    Thursday, June 6, 2013

    Do Whats Difficult

    "When in doubt do what's most difficult"
                  - Sergio Mercell

    Wednesday, June 5, 2013


    I haven't been posting as usual  for a few days. Since Saturday June 1st I've been a part of the California AIDS Life Cycle bike ride.   Not as a rider or crew but support person and I couldn't connect to the internet after leaving SF.

    What I saw was 1000's of people GIVING back, living strong and acting as one rolling caring community.

    Queer, Straight men women and trans people are on this ride.  Pos and not too.

    We all were one mind and spirit and they still are as they climb  mountains and raise awareness after already raising 14.2 MILLION for SF AIDS Foundation and Los Angles  Gay & Lesbian Center

    So much love was and is there it was a pleasure to give my time

    Wednesday, May 29, 2013

    Let Them Go

    I don't have the same friends that I did growing up.  Those grade school friends are all grown up and our lives have moved on. Same with "Well be friends forever" from high school (at least that's what's written in my year book)

    As we change so do our tastes, activities and friends and that's all OK.

    When I first moved to Florida I met some people who made the change easy.  Only three of those people are still real friends: people I keep in contact and see as well as do stuff with and that's OK

    Tuesday, May 28, 2013

    No One Like Me

    Just like a snowflake or a fingerprint YOU are unique. Even identical twins who seem to share so many characteristics are individuals with tastes, feelings, loves and dislikes

    When mass marketing tries to package US/you and me don't let them. You will not look like a model in those fancy jeans or sunglasses.

    My, your thoughts are yours!  Express them, live them and lets embrace all that is different

    There is NO ONE like YOU!!!