Tuesday, December 15, 2020

Life Goes On

 This past weekend I turned 58 years old.  I'm  still trying to figure out just how.  It's not worth it here to go on as to why I cant figure it out but I'll say John    Mellancamp is right.  Hard to admit it but the thrill is gone.  Going through Facebook memories I was reminded via a photo of me 30 years ago on my birthday at moms house.  My face was robust, my outlook fantastic.   Today I'm showing that I'm 58.  The settings on my stock trading site went from aggressive to moderate.  

My mom turned 96 last month and I'm still her baby.  Regardless I'm alive, employed and own my car outright.  The 'trill' isn't needed

Perhaps I'm being melodramatic but at  12am on a Monday night I'm allowed

My question for you, my readers is does aging frighten


Oh yeah, life goes on
Long after the thrill of livin' is gone
I say, oh yeah say life goes on
Long after the thrill of livin' is gone