Wednesday, December 26, 2018


“I often compare depression to the monster-under-the-bed mentality. You never know when it will creep out of its lair, ready to attack and make your life even more difficult and trying,”

That can be a powerful statement and one I'm far too familiar with.  Although I try to maintain an upbeat personality I too feel depressed.  

I recently read this about depression. I know no step by step program will change things I choose to pick what works (an A. A. expression!!)

After you read thought this PLEASE comment on my blog about how YOU work though depression.

Tuesday, December 18, 2018

Discomfort Zone

Have you used "I'd rather stay in my comfort zone?" I know I have and do other stay there. The word COMFORT alone speaks volumes.  Webster defines the word or feeling "the easing or alleviation of a person's feelings of grief or distress."  

volumes Living in my comfort zone hasn't always been easy.  Coming out at 17yrs to my mom. Getting an HIV status at 24  A stroke at 41 and admitting I need help makes this guy from a German background uneasy.

It's when I left my comfort zone that I grew and continue to still.  Just this blog alone "It's not about me" well it is about me: I write from my experience hoping to find or share a connection with you and yours.

If I had stayed in my comfort zone during chemo treatments in the 1994 I'd have never bicycled across Alaska, lived/worked in Kenya or even moved from closeness of family to southern Florida

Some times it's good to leave our/my  comfort zone to find out that the discomfort zone doesn't last long

Please comment here to share if you find entering "The Discomfort Zone" helpful

Wednesday, December 12, 2018

Do It

In the past few months I've been super busy starting  a non profit.  It's taken time and money.
At times I get so frustrated at the delays etc I feel like giving up then I hear some one say "We need this"

I WILL follow the directions of my dreams. do you follow yours?