Tuesday, March 17, 2015


We bought furniture from Ikea. While putting it together I wanted to read the instructions first.
KD said he's done this before so we plowed in. Two hours later with frustration we read those pages of HOW TO.

There's much of our lives that does NOT come with instructions or does it?  No one penned how to love my man however we both know couples that have been strongly together for some time

We wont pattern ourselves after them but follow the lead of what they do and did

In Twelve Step programs there is talk of "Using the tools laid at your feet"  Dear friend the instructions on life are out there, just find the right publisher for your  product

Tuesday, March 10, 2015

Your story

We all have a story, some long some not so. They are ours to tell and  live

Let's respect each others stories, journeys.

I know mine has many twists and turns while I'm not always proud of each story I'm not ashamed to call them MINE.