Tuesday, April 21, 2015

Time away

For those like me living in Southern Florida it seems like summer each day.  We know seasons by the number of "snow birds" coming and going.
Oh those snow birds, they know how to take time for themselves.

Do you and I?  I admit to being a workaholic yet I do take time for me.
Rest, reading, stopping to smell those roses are all as important too

Remember to take time for you please

Monday, April 6, 2015


How much time i spent worrying never got me anywhere.  Now I reflect, plan and prepare.  
I'm no Pollyanna singing "What's the use of worrying it's never been worthwhile so pack up those troubles in an old kit bag and smile, smile smile"   

Let's keep focus on what we WILL do, how to fix what didn't work and move on toward better good or efforts

Hey even Alfred E. Neuman knows it "What me worry?"