Monday, May 23, 2016

Open Lines

Keep the lines of communication open

I learned this the hard way when a rough patch of work started to alienate me from my family. Let the people closest to you know what’s going on in your work life when things get hectic, so they don’t feel like your lowest priority or worse, suddenly abandoned.
And keep your ears open to hear what they tell you, too — if your spouse or partner, your friends, or your kids start complaining — or tell you straight out that you’re working too much — listen to them. They’re generally going to be a better judge of your behavior than you are.

Saturday, May 21, 2016

It's Not That Serious

I've learned not to worry about what  I cannot change or how the future will unfold.  I stopped worrying about the things of my past since I cannot change them

How about you and I enjoy the here and now, not thinking of things like elections, weather, etc

Uncomplicated life is more fun, right?

Friday, May 20, 2016

Enjoy list-free time

This tip comes from Sheree, who says she stopped making lists of things to do in her off-time because of the stress that not finishing the list brought to her weekends

Good idea Sheree.  Sure it's good to keep track of what's on our agenda yet there's times to 'let go' and just enjoy life. Smell the roses so to speak

What are you doing to relieve stress and go List Free in our free time?

Look below, there is space for comments, Feel free to comment or add your List Free ideas please

Tuesday, May 17, 2016

Learn to say “No.”

If you’re having trouble keeping on top of everything going on in your life, it may be that you’ve committed more time than you have. If you’re like me (and just about everyone else), you don’t like to refuse favors, new responsibilities, or even casual requests

It's OK to say NO to requests that come your way.  Part of maintaining an affirmative life is keeping limitations.  Say YES when you can though.  It's knowing the difference that keeps balance

Friday, May 13, 2016

Attitude is everything

Charles Swindoll wrote
“The longer I live, the more I realize the impact of attitude on life. Attitude is more important than the past, than education, money, circumstances, failures and successes and much more than what other people think, say or do.” 

I choose to have an upbeat,I can do it attitude.  I know you can as well

Tuesday, May 3, 2016

We Can

When faced with challenges I find that my attitude will help. I focus on what I can do, knowing there is a solution.

Affirming others, supporting them all add to MY/OUR quality of life

Say this with me
I can and I will