Tuesday, November 29, 2016


For many of us the past few weeks we've seen "less than goodness"
I admit being not happy with results yet I still will seek good. Good people Good thoughts, Good choices, Good happenings.

It's my quest to see and live the goodness in all. Can you join me?

Tuesday, November 15, 2016


I enjoy volunteering, it's a way to show in action that I care about something. A cause, an organization or event.

The selfless act of giving time or talent helps my soul, karma etc

This weekend I'll be joining hundreds of people riding or crewing the annual SMART Ride

This bicycle event raises funds for seven agencies in southern Florida who provide support for people living with HIV/AIDS

To help me on this effort as I help others via support crew look here


Thursday, November 10, 2016


It's hard to live in the past or live for the future.  I try to "live for the present" or the "here and now"

Sure it's wise to keep aware and make plans yet I need to actually LIVE as I breath: with constant action.

Despite what's happening around us, lets live our lives for where we are

Present with each other

Tuesday, November 1, 2016

Begin Now

Remember that commercial "Just do it?"  Well I do and I know that when I have a challenge and see a needed to review, re plan and re-execute I do.  

Talking about change helps with planning but it's the action of doing where a new action comes to fruition

Let's begin our new goals, plans ideas now