Wednesday, February 13, 2019


I recently had a health scare and after talking to family, friends I added my usual prayer and meditation.  Today I got phone calls, text messages and such showing that I do have good friends.

That got me to think what makes a good friend?

Friends will come and go in your life, but more important than how long your friendships last is your friends’ acceptance of you for who you are. A good friend walks the talk and shows that they care by their actions – big and small.

How are you friends and who do you call or respond to ?

Monday, February 4, 2019

Surround Yourself

I finally saw "Black Panther" today and was taken aback as people said I would.
Dozens of lessons to be learned from it but for now, just for today I choose

“You are going to struggle, so you need to surround yourself with people you trust.”

This one makes a lot of sence as it builds on the theme I've been writing these past years. It's a lesson I keep needing to remind myself of. 

I'm glad  I surrounded myself with you.  Who do you surround yourself with?

Please comment in the box provided and we'll all surround each others wisdom