Saturday, July 13, 2019

Turning Point

July 12 was an odd day to say the least.   So much happened the past few days and July 12 holds a special meaning to me.  It was major turning point when I said to Khalid "I do"

Returning to work Monday July 8 I learned of two clients passing.

The new job still is new with related challenges, demands and such

I finally put in papers to the evil IMRF to get full retirement
. The benefit wont take effect for another year but there are deadlines to follow.

I feel that I'm at yet another turning point where life is getting better.

Are there turning points in your life you are celebrating or fearing?  I hope you take the best turn


Monday, July 8, 2019

Move on

I was supposed to be a date. Just a date, one that turned out badly and from what i can guess based on looks. 

I know I'm not the sexiest or most handsome guy around and neither was he.  Thankfully the 'date' ended abruptly.   

Nothing ventured: noting gained, right?

Still I'll ask someone one else out.  Keep moving on