Thursday, March 11, 2021

Hope Over Despair

 For those new to my blog I'm a queer man living with AIDS.  HIV positive since mid 1980s and in 1993 got the official AIDS diagnosis.  I'll go over why I choose HOPE over DESPAIR later or you can just scroll though any former topics so see what I mean.  Today is different

During a discussion in the group Positive Attitudes we talked about an article in POZ magazine about brain disorders. 

I do have two brain disorders, the first being HIV encephalitis and the second PML

Add a minor stroke 13 years ago and I'm shocked that I can work full time.  Seriously until  I got the PML diagnosis just two years ago I was on disability. 

I choose HOPE over DESPAIR and found employment where i can share my work skills and life lessons

Where do you find angst and do you fight it or combat it?