Tuesday, September 28, 2021

Your Best

 In my line of work there is bound to be errors.  FYI the best way to describe my work is in the social services field.  There are things we/I need to be meticulous about such as record keeping. It's the interactions with people that sometimes miscommunication happens. It's the not fully hearing a clients needs for angst.  

Regardless I do my best. I try to explain to clients that I am human with frailties. I still give it my all and do my best.

Realizing that no one is a machine we/I need to see differences and work with those.

Wednesday, September 8, 2021

Speech has power

What I say impacts my actions.  Do I/We think before speaking and acting?   I know that I've said things and acted what I've said.  I really hope I say only things that  speak uplifting thoughts and thus actions

 Speech has power. Words do not fade. What starts out as a sound, ends in a deed.

Abraham Joshua Herschel