Saturday, April 25, 2020

3 Things

I read this on someone else's blog and found it very appropriate

There's three things I tell myself and others.
1st- you have to respect yourself
2nd- you have to care about yourself
3rd- you have to love yourself.

If you can't do those three things to yourself how are you going to do it for anyone else. And always remember to take your peace back and don't give it away to anyone.

Right now we are all going though this "social isolation" and I've been questioning my own sanity and such.  

To guard against despair I'll look daily at these THREE THINGS and promise to live up to them

What do you do to keep up self esteem these days? 

Please comment on this blog so others can see and learn from each other

1 comment:

  1. Yeah I agree because I wrote it on my page and thanks buddy for using my nice quotes for good. I always say this to everyone I meet. So just remember to take your peace back and don't give it away. God bless you all and stay safe and be careful love Phoniex Jr or Felix Rubio Jr
