Monday, December 31, 2012


Is this just another day or some landmark we use to keep time in check?
Like our own birthday, New Years comes once a year and often brings people time to reflect on what happened the last twelve months and wonder what the next twelve have in store

I don't believe months have anything in store for you but what you bring to the months ahead does

For me, I'll honor my past, recall the challenges and rejoice in the path I'm on this year and coming years.

Should old acquaintance be forgot,
and never brought to mind ?
Should old acquaintance be forgot,
and old lang syne ?

Sunday, December 30, 2012

The Future

There comes a point in your life when you realize who matters, who never did, who won't anymore, and who always will.

 So don't worry about people from your past, there's a reason why they didn't make it to your future.

Saturday, December 29, 2012

Hold On

When there's something or some one you like, hold onto it.  No ones life or comments can be yours.

Ready for a new career? Start the search!  Ready for a new location? Move. Made some bad decisions?
Work on creating a strategy to make better ones.

Those are never easy but when I/we can grasp our wants & needs, it's when we  "Make it so" they'll come true

Thursday, December 27, 2012


Some of the readers of "It's not all about me" are in relationships, some are not.

While reading a fellow blogger "Single by choice" I read this

I don't know if am single by choice, but I cannot be in a relationship if there isn't mutual love. I have friends who are couples because they can't be alone, but I can't do that

Single or not, life is more about love and caring, showing affirmation in who we all are.

When we/I live for others, I live for myself and that's love too.  Before I can  relate to someone, I better be able to love and relate to whom I am. I know YOU can too.

Side note: I found this interesting

Wednesday, December 26, 2012


What if today we were grateful for everything?

We can make it so.

Tuesday, December 25, 2012

Golden Rules

There's more to the "Golden Rule" than "Do unto others" and it's not a Christian rule/value alone

Confucius said much the same thing, long before Christianity "Never impose on others what you may not do for yourself"

To me, being honest, authentic and truthful is MY GOLD STANDARD & RULE

Can we, in this season of Christmas & hope/love live how we would like to be loved?

I'll keep trying

Sunday, December 23, 2012

Drama Free Zone

Not sure when I heard this but I really like "The only drama I want in my life is on a Broadway stage"

Sure, we all have something going on in our lives, Work, school, finances, family all add to  stresses that can feel like or appear to be DRAMA.

Its our dwelling on it or YIPE:, inviting it into our lives is when drama

I have a few unpleasant things going on in my life but with focus and wise action, I do my best to keep the problems from going "on stage" & reducing that drama

One definition of drama is "Constantly telling other people about ones problems or commenting on others"

IMHO, it's OK to complain or comment, its when we go on & on, like a one poorly written play, it's not wise to see 2x.

Let's look at what's good, enlightening  affirming and upbeat in our lives and others. Put them in those foot lights and see how the  drama ends

Tuesday, December 18, 2012

Change We All Can Believe In your Facebook status can be changed. Create a better day for yourself & others will change around you

Saturday, December 15, 2012

All The Worlds a Stage

Drama belongs to Broadway, not the home.  When we (remember I  often write to myself as well asYOU)treat others as objects, share stories, speak unkind words: they come back to find you and BAM they'll hurt

When I hear people speaking bad or spreading lies, it reflects on who THEY are and not the person being talked about.

I'm here for you, your mind and spirit now matter what is going on. I support you

Your the star on this stage of life

Friday, December 14, 2012

50 and More

On Dec 13, I had another "birthday." Alive for 50 years and oh what a ride this has been.
If you would have asked me just a short 25 years ago where I'd be and what I'd be doing, it wouldn't be living in Florida, going back to school, working for a non profit or even looking for a wonderful future

Having been told “Odds are you’ll be dead in five to seven years  back in 1993, I’m  more than happy to live to  50 great years.

I've been blessed to work in Kenya, meet wild people  in Australia, cycle across Alaska and move far from the support of family and move from Chicago to Florida.

I've witnessed a president resign and the election of our first Black president.

I know isolation, heartbreak and joy and acceptance too

Soon I’ll return full time to my original career/calling and attend a grad school where I can grab my dreams.

50 is just a start

Wednesday, December 12, 2012

Every Minute 12 12 12

Happiness isn't found in what you don't have, but wanting what you do have! 

Life teaches us in mysterious ways. Be grateful for every minute. 

Saturday, December 8, 2012

It's Yours

"The world is yours, grasp it & enjoy it"

That's my motto this week.  Seeing the beauty of others, sharing stories, hearing of life: that's what I'm making TODAY.

Join me, grasp responsibility of our world & embrace it, all it's people & wonders and say it's yours

Just please be wise and don't abuse it.  It's a lot of other peoples word too.

Thursday, December 6, 2012

I'm All That & So Are You

"I am what I am, I am my own special creation"

Besides being The Gay Anthem,  this song is a proud statement of the trials I've had & so many others,too

You are a special creation your self, whether you say it or sing it, it's the same

Soy lo que soy, Je suis ce que je suis, Ja sam ono Å¡to sam ja, æˆ‘什么我,

We all share the same feelings, even when we (and you know when I say WE, I mean I) have a down day, face major struggles, it's knowing we are all special creations that keeps me going

Color, age, ability, status, finances, race, orientation aside - we are that special loved person

Monday, December 3, 2012

Live boadly

Live in such a way that if someone spoke badly of you - no one would believe it

Saturday, December 1, 2012


December 1st each year is known as World AIDS Day.

It's a day for me at least, to remember friends gone & around me know

A day to support each other: remember the old chant "We All Have AIDS"?

So today, be a friend, learn how to live & cope, kill the stigma,

People with HIV are not "dirty" but still PEOPLE.

Dan Pallotta said it best: Human Kind - Be Both