Tuesday, April 25, 2017


Lately I've been "beating myself up" for making major life changes and it got me to think "I'm not worth..."
To heck with that! I am and you are worth goodness, happiness and love

I was reading in The Body about self hate/self love

"What if I make a mistake and embarrass myself?" "Maybe I could have done it before, but it's too late now." "I'll never be able to do it, so what's the point of trying?" Everyone hears negative "voices" in their heads

love That was ME to a point until while chatting with a friend it hit me "I am worth all the good things I plan"

As an almost 55 yr old queer man living with HIV and 17 yrs sober I foolishly thought "who would love me?"  

I do!  I love me. I adore the struggles I've had, set backs and more so the gains in life

I adore me and you too

Wednesday, April 19, 2017

Moving On

Have you  had "one of those days?"  Well I've been having "one of those days" for three weeks.

Without going into detail the two words that resonate CONSTANT CHANGES fill my angst

People have passed on, classes changed, a new doctor, rejection email, major house repairs, etc

Thank goodness I have a decent therapist to go over details yet small changes build up.

Last night I attend a concert where Aaron Copeland's "Fanfare for Common Man" was played two times.   That is one piece of music that brings peace to my confusion. Twice that performed Fanfare.

It helped me concrete a few decisions and I'm ready to move on.   Join me on moving on too please

Let's lets fear, confusion, other peoples ignorance not hold us/me back

Tuesday, April 4, 2017

New Energy

Being newly single I've been using "online" dating to find what appears at times, the elusive

What to write about myself is more than my fear on these sites and even IN PERSON

I know what won't work is putting down others, limiting expectations, shaming others, using phrases like "UB2" or "No fems, etc"     I write about the good things that stir my spirit

I/we can apply this to most of our lives.  Let's remove negative comments from our speech and they'll be gone from our thoughts.  Not an easy task but one that can be achieved

Monday, April 3, 2017

My Story

I heard at a workshop this past weekend
"My history is not a blunt instrument"

My mistakes are mine. I own my addiction. I own my health issues. I own my foolish investment mistakes

I am fully aware of the past I led while focusing 100% on a great future.  

Please don't hold me or anyone else to a past when that past was a teaching experience.