Sunday, August 19, 2012

Dry Fish

I've had some really and I mean REALLY odd dreams this past week.  Most involving my family including my father (who passed over 22 years ago).

Two nights ago I dreamed, oh I should say that I dream in colour and thanks to Susitva (r)  most of my dreams are 3D (not IMAX though!!), there were popcorn like things sprouting out of my head. Turns out they were cancerous polyps.  The cancer I had was INSIDE me, in my colon so nothing out side could be seen.

But that's not important. What is is that I do dream and not just when I sleep. I dream of a better life for all people:  I dream of no prejudice, no judgement, no hate, no violence.

My dreams are also hopes: Hopes for you  to read something about me and YOU in my blog
Hope that you and I share upbeat, positive messages.

And I hope the fish in this image don't appear in tonight's dreams!!

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